About Peppermint Essential Oil
It is good for colds and flu, as it promotes alertness and alleviates mental fatigue.
Our Peppermint Essential Oil is mechanically harvested on site at various farms across Western Victoria and Tasmania, and quickly consolidated at the distillation hub in Victoria. It supports many local producers.

History & Traditional Uses
Peppermint Oil is mentioned in Greek mythology, when the nymph, ‘Mentha’, was transformed into peppermint by Pluto. Having fallen in love, he wanted her to be remembered and appreciated for years to come.
Egyptian roots: Peppermint Oil has been documented back to 1000 BC, with remnants of Peppermint found in several Egyptian pyramids.
Peppermint has been traditionally used to relieve digestive complaints and discomfort after a heavy meal. Its decongestant action will help soothe cold and flu symptoms. This invigorating oil by virtue of its sharp minty aroma will aid concentration, soothe mild headaches and cool aching muscles.

Agriculture, Harvesting & Distilling
The Australian peppermint crop is based upon Mitcham varieties of Mentha piperita that were introduced into Australia.The Australian crop of oil is harvested in January to March each year and a volatile oil is produced by steam distillation on farm-site. Crops are regularly inspected and production methods are tightly controlled.
All oil is then redistilled under pressure (rectified) to remove unwanted odours and flavours and to standardise the oil. Our low-temperature batch distillation plant rectifies mint oil at minus 1 atmosphere ( -760 mg Hg). The second distillation is carried out at 60-70 degrees.This removes bitter terpene fractions and ensures the oils and flavours AMO&F produces are natural pure tastes.