About Nerolina Essential Oil
Good for soothing nerves, anxiety and creating a calming environment.
It is a great pick me up and offering antibacterial properties. Nerolina Essential Oil is full of antioxidants that makes it good for treating acne and adding moisture to the skin.
It has been produced on a family owned farm for the last 30 years.

History & Traditional Uses
Native to Australia, Melaleuca quinquenervia CT ‘Nerolina’, commonly known as broad-leaved paperbark or the paper bark tea tree, is a small- to medium-sized tree of the Myrtaceae family. It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 35 feet and has papery bark, fragrant leaves and green or red flows. Nerolina is the linalool chemotype of Niaouli.
Nerolina can be used as a decongestant and contains antibacterial properties. It is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that make it a good botanical skin care solution when it comes to softer, smoother skin and brings tone balance and overall strength to your skin.
Nerolina is known to have been be used medicinally for centuries, topically as a treatment for colds and sores as well as being used to make a tea to help with general well-being, headaches, cold and flu.

Agriculture, Harvesting & Distilling
Naturally occurring along the eastern coastline, but now also grown on small plantations on reclaimed farmland In the northern rivers. Increasing in popularity due to its calming linalool content.
Nerolina is harvested using a combination of hand and mechanical methods The shrub tops are placed into large bins along the way, and when full, taken to the stillhouse, and lid sealed tightly. The bin is connected up to the distillation system, and steam is passed through the leafy material with careful supervision. The steam rises taking with it the volatiles (oil) and then travels through the condenser. As it cools, the oil and water separates, and the oil is taken.