Helps to reduce Arthritis and can be used as an alternative to Tea Tree oil. Kunzea is anti-inflammatory that can ease stress and anxiety.
Reduce muscle and joint pain
Reduce Stress and anxiety
Spot treatment and skin issues
Aroma Fresh clean sweet pleasant aroma
Blend with A Eucalyptus oil or any other Australian natives.
Highlight Soothe nerves and anxiety
While it is slightly fresher than Rosalina it has more of an earthy undertone. Good for soothing nerves and creating a calming environment. It is a great pick me up and offers antibacterial properties. Nerolina is full of antioxidants that can help treat acne and adding moisture to the skin.
Assist with soothing the mind
Alleviating anxiety
Promote relaxation
Antibacterial properties
Aroma Fresh fruity tea tree like aroma with hints of lilac
Blend with Lemon Myrtle, Eucalyptus oil
Highlight Breath easy and prevent congestion
With its gentle aroma it is good for relaxing, calming nerves and improving sleep. Also helps ease headaches, prevent congestion and sinuses.
Reduce congestion
Antibacterial and Anti fungal
Reduce stress
Calming the nervous system
Relieving anxiety
Aroma Softer than tea tree with light lavender undertones